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Notification from City of Yokohama
  • When Self carry-in, after applying, please pay the Oversized garbage handling fee at the financial institution, etc. and carry in the items with the Oversized garbage collection sticker attached.
  • Would you like to consider "reuse" before disposing as oversized garbage?
    For details, please check the Yokohama City "reuse" page.
  • Online applications now have the option of cashless payment.
    You can pay the oversized garbage fee with various credit cards and PayPay without going out.
  • E-mails regarding oversized garbage reception may automatically sort into the spam folder.
    If you do not receive the e-mail, please check your spam folder once.
Application for Oversized Garbage Collection
Confirm, change, or cancel application content
Please make sure to read before you apply
Deadline for online reception
  • Deadline for online reception of oversized garbage collection is 7 business days prior to the collection date, excluding New Year’s holidays and Sundays. (Ex. If the collection date is on Tuesday, Monday of the previous week will be the deadline.)
    Deadline to apply for cancelation of an online reception is 3 business days prior to the collection date, excluding New Year’s holidays and Sundays. (Ex. If the collection date is on Tuesday, Friday at 11:59 p.m. of the previous week will be the deadline.)
  • Deadline to apply online for Self carry-in of oversized garbage is by 3:00 PM on the day of carry-in.
  • When applying online, you can apply for collection or carry-in date up to 2 months in advance.
Possible number of items for application
We accept up to 9 items by online reception.
Garbage not collected by the city
Items that cannot be applied for online
In the following cases, please contact the Oversized Garbage Reception Center (phone number).
  • Item that is not in the list
    Please refer to following page for item and handling fee that can be applied for by online reception
    List of items
  • Application for Self Carry-in, after online reception hours (※same day 3 p.m. or later)
Oversized garbage is defined as items from the household that are made of metal with longest side 30cm or longer, or 50cm or longer for items made from other materials (plastic items, wooden items, etc.).
Please understand that service may be suspended for reasons such as periodic maintenance and attending to malfunctions.
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Please refer to the following on how to dispose oversized garbage